Sorry for the long hiatus. The Holidays consumed me and then with the New Year came a not so lovely 5 day hospital stint for myself. And I spent the last few weeks trying to get well and get our life reorganized and back on track.
Oh, and we started a major renovation in our bathroom. Which has thus far been pretty consuming of my free time.
So you'll have to pardon me if some of my posts over the next couple of weeks are regarding things from December and January but I really want to use this blog as a way to track progress in our home and the random things I find in the world that I love.
The big push back into my blog was the lovely home of Anna Kohler. It is literally my favorite home I have ever seen. Since we purchased our home my inspiration has been torn between this very classic, neutral look and the traditional mixed with modern/eclectic look. This home proved to me that my true love is a mix of the traditional and the modern. If I could pick my dream home to move into this would have to be it. I love every single room. You know it's sad when you are hoping for photos of a laundry room and the rest of an office space. Nonetheless in case you haven't seen it on many of the other blogs who posted about it - here is the home as featured in Renovation Style.

I absolutely adore the classic wood work, traditional furniture, and pops of color and modernism in each space. Every room in this home literally makes me gasp in awe. I hope you have enjoyed it even a fraction as much as my self.
Can i just say I love your blog title.